Featured Products

Our Product Are Highest Quality

150 Rs /-

100 Rs /-

Gau Mutra/1lit
100 Rs /-

70 Rs /-

Organic Jaggery/kg
100 Rs /-

70 Rs /-

160 Rs /-

30 Rs /-

60 Rs /-

What we do

Our Produce Is Mainstay For Us

Our product range includes a wide range of pure gir cow milk and desi cow a2 milk, Agriculutral Products and equipments, Fruits and Vegetables.
BK Enterprises and Heere Naturals A2 Milk has range of desi Gir cow milk & it's milk products for healthier bones and smarter brains. Our products rich taste and quality ingredients, we offering our clients truly delicious and unforgettable experience. Just "Book Order" and get the best products delivered right at your doorstep.

A2 Milk

A2 milk which is beneficial for overall well-being...
- Increases metabolism and builds immunity
- Rich source of good quality Omega 3 fatty acids
- A2 Milk is easier to digest, low in cholesterol, contains 17 essential vitamins & minerals

A2 Ghee

Our highly beneficial natural A2 ghee is made using highly nutritional milk and implementing ancient Indian ghee making methods...
- Low Calories, Easy To digest
- Healing properties


A2 Paneer is made using the Desi Cow A2 Milk only. The coagulating agent is only a lemon.

Fruit & Vegetable

Fruits & Vegetables are produced by farmers who wish to protect the environment for future generations. These crops are grown, handled and processed without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides, artificial ingredients or preservatives.


The Future Of Agriculture

As such vegetable farming is highly profitable than growing cereals like rice and wheat. There is enormous gap in demand and supply.

Vegetable farming is different than rice and wheat farming. They are quickly perishable unlike rice and wheat.

So First thing farmer has to choose longer keeping quality vegetables for growing to in crease their profitability. Vegetables such as cucurbits, beets, tomato, onion, carrots, and cabbage are highly remunerative compared to field crops.